Managing the risks of COVID-19
These are not normal times – here at UPowr, we recognise the broad-ranging and deeply impacting effects that the spread of COVID-19 has on individuals, communities and businesses.
Our executive team monitors both state and federal government announcements daily, as well as keeping check of the credible data sources available.
As a form of home construction, solar and battery installations are currently able to continue occurring. To ensure this happens as safely as possible, we’re asking our installers and our customers to adhere to the following guidelines.
Our commitment
As a digital company, we’re prepared for many of the practices now required as both the national and global community responds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
We commit to ensuring:
The safety of our team through work from home practices.
The safety of our installers by providing work safe guidelines and ensuring safe workspaces.
The safety of our customers by ensuring our installation crews are well equipped.
The safety of our partners and future partners by ensuring contact is made virtually.
Responsibilities of us all
It’s important for all of us to monitor and share as required if you, or a member of your house:
Have recently returned from overseas and are currently in forced quarantine.
Have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Have experienced any flu-like symptoms, including a fever, dry cough, sore throat or shortness of breath over the past 14 days.
Have come into contact with someone who has experienced flu-like symptoms in the past 14 days.
We also need to commit to:
Washing our hands thoroughly and frequently
Not touching our face
Wearing masks as necessary
Maintaining good physical distance if needing to interact with others
Installer commitment
In addition to acknowledging the responsibilities of us all, installers we work with who are conducting site assessments and installations, commit to adhere to the following:
Develop, train and implement safety management plans that address the risk of COVID-19.
Provide information to team members on how the virus spreads and how to mitigate it.
Ensure that no more than 2 people are in a vehicle at any time and that tools and phones are not shared between workers.
Wearing gloves, bandanas and goggles at all times on site.
Minimise as much as possible (without compromising safety or installation quality) the need to enter into someone’s home.
If you need to enter, to not touch anything (including door handles) within the house.
Homeowner commitment
In addition to acknowledging the responsibilities of us all, homeowners who have confirmed that they are happy to proceed with an assessment and/or installation can help us by:
Opening the doors for installers if home entry is required.
Keeping spaces clean and disinfecting where required.
If you have any questions on any of the above points, please let us know by emailing